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17 November 2008




Marc @ NoRecipes

Looks like a nice healthy alternative. Not sure if this fits in with your detox plan, but I made some sweet redbean (sweet red bean paste and water) soup to sate a dessert craving tonight. Sounds weird but it's suprisingly satisfying.


Ah, I thought you toss the spices in at the last step, but it does make sense to heat them up too :) Popcorn is really healthy, I don't know why I don't keep some here more often...


You can just *buy* cupcakes, you know :)
would save you a lot of torture; psychologists say people have a finite amount of willpower, so why use it up when you can avoid it?


Looks yummy! I love popcorn and this would sure be a nice alternative to BUTTER on it! I've been thinking about starting a detox myself before the holidays hit. I'm going to check out your detox recipes.


I just ate at a restaurant in Austin, TX that served spicy popcorn on the tables instead of bread. It was deliciously addicting and I was already hoping to replicate it. This sounds great - thanks!


Awesome. Chocolate isn't so great anyway!
But are you not allowed to even sprinkle with cocoa? Anti-oxidants and all that...


I hate to further add to your chocolate craving but you know what might be fantastic on that spicy popcorn? Just a touch of Cocoa powder.

Seriously, spice and chocolate can go really nicely together...



I generally do not like popcorn but your spicy popcorn suddenly makes me want to have some.


Thanks VeggieGirl!

Hey Marc, sounds delicious. I love those kinds of simple desserts. I can't have any sugar on the detox but I'll check out your recipe once I'm off it.

Hi Mark, I'm actually going to keep making it as a snack after the detox. I love the crunch!

LOL -- I was going to buy some but I wanted them to be fresh and the cupcake store didn't open until 10am the next day which was too late -- I could have bought a normal cake I guess. I think I'm a bit of a masochist!

Hey Starr, I think you should start after the holidays so cleanse yourself of the thanksgiving and christmas binge! Hope you enjoy the recipes.

Hi Maxine! Hope you like the popcorn!

Brilliant idea Graeme. I actually have some delicious raw cocoa powder. It smells incredible. I'm going to try it. Thanks for the tip!

Thanks Nick -- both you and Graeme have great taste!

thanks for stopping by Cynthia and hope you made some.


I'm impressed that you're making chocolate cupcakes when you're on this detox diet! Your popcorn sounds good.


Good idea!


You are amazing. Good luck with the detox!


I gotta try this spicy popcorn-it looks soooo awesome!

Ovens Cooktop

This sounds like the perfect low fat, spicy snack been looking for. Thanks!


Thanks for your recipe!!! I like popcorn very much and try to prepare this dish! By http://www.picktorrent.com I downloaded another tasty popcorn recipes! Recommend you to turn this site!

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