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« Thai Beef Massaman Curry | Main | Broccoli & Chickpea Brown Rice Pasta »

12 November 2008



I fall the food is this good, then I have no complaints about detox! :) But what's with the prejudice against tropical fruits? Ha ha ha :)


STUNNING salad!!

Good luck with your detox!!


I'm finishing Wild Rose tomorrow!
Would have loved to have recipes to help me through it... I'll save them for next time!


What a beautiful salad!

taste memory girl

yay for more alkaline ~ congrats on the new start! avocado slices look perfect....I must have at least ONE avo daily! ;-)


This Wild Rose diet sounds so interesting.
I can't wait to see all your diet recipes.
How exciting! :)


This salad looks very refreshing and delicious.
I have to say, I'm just like you when it comes to ingredients I can't pronounce. Once I started down that road I quickly realized that the only stuff I could eat came from my own kitchen.
Kudos to you for sticking to such a strict diet too! I've done something similar in the past and it is amazing how many foods we eat daily are acidic or throw off our yeast balance!


Hey Mark, I know it stinks about the tropical fruit. It means I can't have banana on my oats. Boo. It's because they're too high in sugar for this diet.

Thank you VeggieGirl!!

Hey Kate, glad you made it and yes, if you do it again next year please don't forget me! I'll have lots of detox recipes by then. Cheers.

Thanks so much Pam!

Taste Mem girl, one avocado a day! Good on you. I love them.

Hey Ivy, not as delish as your chicken dish but it's not too bad for a detox diet. Thanks for visiting!

Thanks Micha! It is just so scary when I actually read what's in food these days or when I find out how stuff is processed. No thanks!

How to detox

What a delicious looking salad - my mouth's watering just looking at it! It's good to hear your stories about the alkaline/acid balance. I've been trying to change the ratio of foods in my diet to a more alkaline bias - was a bit tough to start with, but with a little for thought and planning it's got a lot easier, and health wise I feel a lot better in myself. I used to get a lot of indigestion but that's a thing of the past now, so if nothing else it's good for your digestion too.


i really like this kind of site because it helps us to know the right food to eat and maintain our weight to become fit.
diet blog

My favorite recipes for detox diets.

Yummy and healthy recipes and really tasty. I like it because it very lite and after eating eating we don't get heavy feeling in our stomach.
Suzzane Waltz
Some detox diets just aren't the same as others. Some of my favorites are very simple, like the master cleanse


thanks this is fantastic. great to hear from somebody who is actually cooking the recipes along the way. im currently looking into detox plans - think im going to copy your 12 days!

Marc Kincade

I am always looking for great information regarding improvement of both mind and body.Yours is one of the most informative I have happened upon while researching this topic. Thanks and keep up the good work. Marc

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