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06 July 2008


Rasa Malaysia

Oooooh Syrie, your gnocchi looks sooo good. I had the best gnocchi recently in Florence, Italy, OMG, they were sooooo tender, smooth, and just melted in my mouth. And whatever sauce they were using, greeny color but yours but a lot thicker, with a langostine. It was heaven!

I've never had gnocchi this good, really. But yours looks so tender and delish I wish I would taste them.

[eatingclub] vancouver || js

Thanks for the step-by-step. I've never tried making them before, nor even entertained the thought of making them because I knew I just couldn't pull them off. Yours look so fluffy! Wonderful.


I always hand chop my pesto too. Some people think I'm crazy but I think it just tastes better


I have never done gnocchi at home but this looks easy enough, I'm not sure why I haven't.

For getting the lumps out I'll probably use the cheap food mill I have at home. Pretty much the only thing I really use it for is getting my mashed potatoes super, super creamy and un-lumpy so I'm sure it will do the trick just fine.


syrie, i love making my own gnocchi too. once you've made homemade - one never goes to the store bought stuff - like puff pastry lol!


My boyfriend and I tried, unsuccessfully, to make gnocchi when we first started dating. I am sending him a link to this post; you have inspired me to try again!! They look lovely.


i've always been too intimidated to make my own gnocchi, but your photos are so helpful and beautiful! thanks for the recipe.


So I tried to make this last night and it didn't come out so well. The pesto was great - I had not hand chopped it before, but my gnocchi was slimy and many of them fell apart, so it kind of turned into a pesto mashed potato. I have zero experience with this so I'm not sure what my error was. Too much potato vs flour & egg? Over working the dough? Overcooking the pesto?

I froze some of them because the recipe made tons so maybe I can try cooking those and see what happens.

If anyone has an idea let me know!


Meant to say overcooking the gnocchi, not "overcooking the pesto"


OH MY...fabulous looking and so easy too!!! Thanks for taking the time to post the tutorial!


I simply love gnocchi! Yours looks much better than mine. Although I have posted my recipe for "Gnocchi for Big Bear" . . . Big Bear is my BF . . . on my website (MySpace) I think that I will have to change it after reading your method.

thanks for sharing.

Malinda Kay Nichols

Um, genius.


Thanks Bee! Your Florentine gnocchi sounds amazing. I hope you can replicate it for us!

Thanks eating club. Hope you get to try them out.

I have to agree with you Alex. I much prefer it to pesto that too pulpy. Thanks for visiting.

Hi Tasty New England. I think a miller would to the trick but remember not to over mash them. They need to be light and fluffy. This is really important! Thanks for visiting.

I hear you Meeta although I'm lucky to buy my pastry from a pie shop so it's always really buttery and light.

Hi Julia, well at least it didn't spell the end of the relationship! good luck and I look forward to hearing about it!

Good luck Becky. Hope it goes well! Thanks for stopping by.

No worries Michelle, Thanks for taking the time to visit!

I'll check out your recipe Chiffonade. Love the name! Thanks for stopping by.

Oh Malinda, you're too kind!


Jimmy has given me permission to post our email exchange.

- Syrie -

Jimmy, Thanks for trying out the gnocchi recipe and I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out.

I have added some tips to the post. The success of gnocchi is also dependant on things like the speed at which work and even the humidity. My first few attempts at making gnocchi weren't very happy ones.

Again I'm sorry it didn't work out and I do hope you give it another go. Syrie

- Jimmy -

It’s no big deal! I just want to learn the error of my ways. I followed your instructions on russet potatoes and did boil them with the skins on. One thing – I used three medium sized russets because the grocery store didn’t have the super large ones I frequently see. This is why I was curious if maybe I had too much potato vs flour. It was fairly sticky so that could be it. Also, after I mashed the potatoes I let them sit for about 30 minutes before I shaped them. Could that affect it?

Lastly, I didn’t remove the gnocchi immediately after they floated – would waiting another minute to 90 seconds affect it like that?

I really enjoy your blog and thanks for the tips here. It really helps me learn. I definitely will give it another try; they’re too good not to. -Jimmy

- Syrie -

Hey Jimmy, I'm going to actually include a gram measurement of the potatoes. I think you definitely had too much potato vs, flour. Also the mashed potato only needs to cool for 10 minutes and not 30. Same goes for the boiling of the gnocchi. They need to be removed from the water with a slotted spoon as soon as they float to the top.

This is all great feedback! Thanks again for visiting. Syrie


I couldn't agree more with your title. Gnocchi aren't something you make for people you don't love.

Beautifully simple.


Great post. I'm wondering why you set your chopped pesto ingredients aside and combine with the oil and lemon at the last minute?


Your gnocchi looks great! I have made gnocchi a few times. It is fairly easy though it takes a bit of time. It is well worth it!


Oh Thank you! Especially for the step-by-step! My husband was sitting here next to me when we read this and he's run off to the store to get russet potatoes - we don't get them here in India, but he's decided to try!! Thanks again!


Hi Arundathi. Thank you for visiting my blog Taste Buddies. Did you find some russets? Other floury potatoes will also do. Just stay away from really dense potatoes. I hope you find them! I love your blog. I will definitely be trying out the samosas. And your zebra cake - congratulations...it's insanely amazing. I got dizzy just looking at the swirls.

Thanks for visiting Kevin. I'll check out your gnocchi recipe too.

Thanks Tim! No particular reason with the oil but I like to squeeze in the juice last so it's at it's freshest.

Thanks Graeme. Pillows of love II to follow!

Sookie's Kitchen

Thanks for the instructions. Looks wonderful!


Gnocchi and pesto are two of my favorite things in life, and yours look great!

Patricia Scarpin

Syrie, I love your step by step photos!
Homemade gnocchi is wonderful. And so is homemade pesto. I'll be trying the chopping method next time!


You have a nice blog...keep up the good job :)


Yahrrrr. It's easy... After you've mastered it... Ha ha ha :) I've only had gnocchi once (in San Francisco) and it was heavenly. Maybe I should start making my own, too! Thanks for the instructions-- though potatoes only come in one nameless variety here. Gulp.

Marc @ NoRecipes

I do love gnocchi, but I haven't had much luck making them to date. I'll have to give your recipe a try. Great step-by-step photos by the way!


Love the blog and your pics! I always enjoy reading it. I just made a gnocchi with choux pastry for the first time and it was incredible. Come take a look if you have a chance and let me know what you think. http://cookingquest.wordpress.com

Thanks so much!



Looks magnificent! My boyfriend loves gnocchi...I should make this for him! Thank you!


Hi I don't have a metal cutter I was just wondering what else I could use?

I'm going to attempt to make these heavenly things in the next week wish me luck!


Some of my favorite cooking show have raved for so long about gnocchi that I searched out a recipe I felt I could make. Your pictures and step-by-step made it possible and...oh, my, my! These are fantastic!

I didn't do the pesto, but made Pollo au Porto (chicken with port and mushroom sauce) -- http://www.chefponzio.com/recipes/chicken-with-mushrooms-and-port-wine. My whole family loved this match-up. That little perfect bite of a small bit of chicken, gnocchi, mushroom, with the port reduction in those gnocchi ridges...yummy!

I'm sure I'll get them to look prettier next time. It helped a lot for my twelve-year-old son to be the gnocchi bather while I kept rolling and cutting. So the gnocchi went from the cutting board to the boiling water immediately, and now my son has a new favorite!

Thanks for sharing!

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